Have you seen the new glow over East 125th Street, near the corner with Fifth Avenue?

"Care Four" is a blessing over all who walk the East 125th corridor -- with the words BE KIND, BE WELL, BE SAFE, BE LOVE in bright neon letters that cast a warm light on the sidewalk below.

Designed by Krypton Neon and installed by local small businesses Service Sign Erectors Co. and Urban Garden Center, the signs are our newest piece of public art, and are intended to add light in corners that need them. In future years, the words will move to additional intersections along the corridor, in order to spread the blessing out over everyone. Tag @uptowngrandcentral when you snap your pics!

Many thanks to Krypton Neon and the NYC Department of Small Business Services for their creativity, design, skill and support. And to ddm Development & Services for their generosity and their wall.