Free (delivery) Friday for Uptown Restaurant Weeks


By Kysha Harris

Listen, you work hard! You deserve free delivery every day to the office, but seldom if not ever get it. Well, tomorrow, Feb. 8, you will get it for you and four of your colleagues (…or five orders for yourself) during the last day of Uptown Restaurant Weeks!

Now you can also head to a collection of East Harlem eateries like Serengeti Teas, Charlie’s Place, Eater 125 and UGC Eats offering $10 meals, especially if you are close. However, if there is not enough time to make it to one of them within your allotted lunch time, take advantage of Friday’s offer.

Ordering from and patronizing these dedicated Harlem businesses shows our sense of community. They cannot grow and be fruitful without us. I, for one, am already looking forward to my Friday lunch in the office. Make it happen!

For more information and to find more participating East Harlem restaurants visit